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Anthony Fauci confident we can flatten the middle class by Christmas


Technocrat, Anthony Fauci is now 'confident' that if we do everything perfectly -- keep making it impossible for small businesses to stay afloat and scaring people into wearing two masks -- by Christmas the middle class will be decimated.


In an interview with CNN, Fauci thanked the network for scaring the public, adding that "Just as the virus is burning itself out and we are reaching herd immunity, you people in the media are doing a masterful job of scaring people. People now believe that this new virus variant is the next boogie man that requires us to stay locked down for the rest of 2021."


Fauci further explained that by getting everyone dependent on government assistance, then the Biden administration can implement their socialist agenda. Fauci also gave credit to the big corporations for taking away all of the customers from small businesses.


Sum Ting Wong

Sum started his career by piloting paper airplanes and pranking TV stations. Now he's a fiction writer for us here at the Atlantis Enquirer.