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Department of the Treasury commissions counterfeiters to assist with printing money

The Department of the Treasury is no longer able to keep up with Congress’s lavish spending habits. The overheated money printing presses were already stretched thin after the last spending package. And so when this latest 1.4 trillion dollar spending package was approved, drastic action was needed. Steve Mnuchin made the decision to summon the help of various gangs and cartels to help meet demand.

Nancy Pelosi personally thanked the Peruvian drug cartels for their service in this time of need. Pelosi noted that if all goes smoothly, even more money can be printed for things like forgiving college debt, reparations for slavery, and the 91 trillion dollar green new deal.


Sum Ting Wong

Sum started his career by piloting paper airplanes and pranking TV stations. Now he's a fiction writer for us here at the Atlantis Enquirer.